What is HIV self-testing?
If you want to get tested for HIV but can't get to one of the clinics for services, don't worry you can still request an HIV self-test. We will keep all your details confidential.

Step one
How to order?Call the HIV self-test hotline/via Facebook message/know4sure.lk and request one.
Hotline: 0716379192
HIV self-testing will be provided to you.
Step Two
Read all the details given in the information sheet.
If you need, you can get further guidance from the given Hotline: 0716379192.
Read all the details given in the information sheet.
If you need, you can get further guidance from the given Hotline: 0716379192.


Step Three
Important pointsSince the HIV self-test is an antibody-based test, it may have a window period of 3 months. So it can be a false negative during the window period. This is a screening test but its sensitivity is 97%. If the test is positive don't worry, please call the above number and inform us and we have to do more tests. If confirmed positive treatments are available for free, you can lead a normal life with treatment and regular follow-up. If negative avoid risky behaviour/use condoms to keep it negative.
👉 To order HIV self-test kits. please fill the below form.